Does taking on the role of being this kind of NEW MEN'S LEADER sound interesting to you?
A leader who gets men into ACTION - both in ther internal and external realms.
If so, we want to talk to you about your becoming a leader of Bold Life Brotherhood Mastery Circles in your town.
If you feel ready grow both your REVENUE and your IMPACT...
If you feel ready to STEP UP YOUR GAME into a new and powerful men's leadership role...
Then definitely watch this presentation where I go into depth around what this movement is creating.
I will show you how you can host your Bold Life Brotherhood Men's Circle - and get it up and running within three months.
And the great thing is - you don't have to create any content yourself.
You don't have to be a "teacher" -- only a steady presence and guide.
The Circles are pre-scripted, exercise-by-exercise - you just have to lead men through them.
While - of course - adding whatever unique wisdom you bring to the table.
We created these Circles because MEN ARE HUNGRY FOR CHANGE.
And those who aren't, frankly, are being confronted by WOMEN WHO ARE HUNGRY FOR CHANGE!
This is a time to clean up the past as best we can so we can live cleanly into the future.
#MeToo? The best response is neither shamed collapse nor reactive defensiveness.
But rather grounded listening... engagement...
A commitment to justice where it's called for and due process where it's possible.
To make a stand for dignity, and to raise ourselves up as men in all ways.
Because the truth is -- that's what most women are asking for, anyway.
They don't simply want to call all men "out" - they very reasonably want to call some men out - but all men UP.
Up into our honor, our solidity, our openness, our ability to give a shit for the well-being of others - up into our best selves.
By raising our own standard, we raise all of society.
Circle of life.
Refinement into a being a powerful, loving, honorable man of action is not a game for the half-hearted.
If you become a Bold Life Brotherhood Men's Mastery Circle Leader, we will...
[1] train you in how to lead safe, supportive, provocative experiences for your groups.
[2] guide you into a build REAL and GROWING community for men to support your men's group business.
[3] welcome you into our ongoing Marketing "Mastermind to help assure your growth and success.
We take The Bold Man Mastery Circles seriously as a business because we honor your time, emotional and professional commitment - and we are in this to grow together.
You will grow as a leader, a man as well as a business-savvy success.
So - if you feel called to step up as a local leader, let's talk.